V. Olesen, C. Stöhr, M. Enelund, J. Malmqvist (2022).  LEARNING MECHATRONICS USING DIGITAL LIVE LABS. 831-847.

Practical skills training in laboratories are important elements and learning outcomes in engineering education, where leaners, through exploration, experimentation and reflection engage in inquiry-based learning that stimulate the acquisition of deep conceptual domain knowledge and inquiry skills. Traditional lab environments are very costly to maintain, partly unsafe and often require proximity of instructors and/or students that is in conflict with the Covid-19-driven need for physical/social distancing. In this paper, we describe and evaluate a course in logic control that used online labs both in pure online and in hybrid format. Students reported very high satisfaction with all three formats and achieved similar learning performances. However, qualitative analyses indicate that student learning is deeper and more authentic in the on-campus and hybrid formats compared to the pure online format. Teacher reflections show an overall positive impression of online labs. In conclusion, we recommend the hybrid format as it combines the benefits of online and physical labs, i.e., the flexibility of online laboratory work and realism of hands-on physical laboratory work.

Authors (New): 
Veronica Olesen
Christian Stöhr
Mikael Enelund
Johan Malmqvist
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Online learning
Online labs
Digital live labs
Hybrid teaching
Logic control
CDIO Standard 5
CDIO Standard 6
CDIO Standard 8
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